
name: valentine vauss
pronouns: he/him
age: 28 years old
home system: δ Corvi
family: mother: mol vauss (deceased)
father: unknown
physical description: 5 foot 8 inches in height; blue eyes, brown hair; freckles over light skin; ears pierced.

Valentine Vauss was born on Melisara, a small asteroid moon in the δ Corvi System. During the year of his birth, a station orbitting in nearby space was affected by a virus which wiped out the majority of residents there. Those who were not infected were sent to The Convent on Melisara, the only settlement on the small,desolate planet.

Mol Vauss was one of these sent to The Convent. Had she remained on the space station, perhaps her delivery would have been easier, would have managed not be fatal. Unfortunately, Valentine's mother passed away only six days into his life.

After the threat had passed, most of those who had sheltered at The Convent returned to the space station. Some, however, decided to take the cloth and become a member of the Seventh Sun. Those that remained on the settlement, as well as the original Sisters, decided that Val would be raised on the moon as none of those returning to the space station had the interest or the means to care for the infant.

Valentine's early life included Mass and some of the rituals of The Convent, but as someone who had not taken the cloth willingly, it was left for him to become the age of majority before deciding whether or not to become A Sister in full. Therefore, outside of his lessons with one of the Sisters who had left the Station, he was left much to his own doing. His favorite pass-time was exploring The Convent's scrapyard, where ships salvaged from Melisara were kept to be used for the repairs of the Cathedral and the rest of the buildings on the small settlement.

It was there he first began to dream of a ship of his own. As he grew older he would tinker and build what would come to be The Ceres, with help from the occassional traveler who found The Convent and was willing to instruct him or trade for parts. The manuals of these abandoned star-ships were his bibles, and the occassional flight-sim system he would get online would occupy him for weeks until he had mastered them.

Eventually, he had a fully built ship and was able to travel to the Station his mother had come from. He started off doing supply and trading runs between The Convent and this station. Many of the Sisters now knew that it would be foolish for them to expect him to take the cloth, and the ones that had cared for him helped him refine The Ceres as well as to supply her for his voyage to a new System.

He left with a few contraband supplies which he traded for and his laser blaster.